[ December 18, 2023 by admch 0 Comments ]

Connecting Minds, Advancing the World: Uniting Experts in Foreign Language Education at WorldFLE 2024

Prepare to immerse yourself in the vibrant world of language education at the 3rd World Foreign Language Education Conference (WorldFLE) taking place from 19th to 21st July 2024 in London, United Kingdom. This premier event is set to converge the foremost researchers, scholars, and practitioners from diverse global corners within the realms of language teaching, discourse analysis, psycholinguistics, and much more.

Diverse Perspectives, Lifelong Connections

WorldFLE 2024 aims not just to impart knowledge but to build a lasting network of academics, balancing immersive learning experiences and comprehensive networking opportunities. Attendees will witness a convergence of minds and ideas, fostering discussions that transcend geographical boundaries, leaving a profound impact on the future of language education.

Why Join WorldFLE 2024?

Discover trends, gain unique perspectives, and engage in collaborative discussions. Present your groundbreaking research, garner feedback, and secure publication opportunities in esteemed academic journals. This conference is your gateway to new research prospects, partnerships, and the chance to contribute to the evolution of the field.

Who Should Attend?


WorldFLE 2024 is a magnet for researchers, scientists, educators, students, and professionals from various organizations and institutions, all unified in the quest to advance the realm of foreign language education. The conference promises stimulating conversations and an unwavering dedication to shaping the future of this dynamic field.

Key Dates and Deadlines

Ensure you don’t miss any significant opportunities by marking these key dates in your calendar:

  • Paper Submission Deadline: 5th July 2024
  • Early Registration Deadline: 19th March 2024
  • Late Registration Deadline: 12th July 2024
  • Conference Dates: 19th to 21st July 2024

Themes and Tracks

WorldFLE 2024 covers an extensive range of themes and tracks, delving into various aspects such as cognitive psychology, bilingual education, language acquisition theories, language policy, and much more.

Presentation Modes

Participate in WorldFLE 2024 in various capacities, from being an oral presenter to sharing your research in virtual or poster formats, ensuring your findings reach a global audience.

Unlock Opportunities, Shape the Future

By attending the 3rd World Conference on Foreign Language Education, you’ll unlock doors to the latest research, forge lasting connections, present your findings, and contribute to the shaping of the future of language education.

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