[ December 17, 2023 by admch 0 Comments ]

Global Conference on Psychology 2024 – Join Leading Minds in Liverpool

Welcome to the Global Psychology Conference 2024, a gathering of leading minds in Liverpool, United Kingdom, from May 17 to 19. As we navigate the complexities of our ever-changing world, this psychology conference celebrates the pivotal role of psychology. Join experts, scholars, and professionals from around the globe to share groundbreaking research, and insights, and collaborate on pressing issues in our field.

Key Dates:

  • Paper Submission Deadlines: May 3, 2024
  • Early Registration Deadlines: February 29, 2024
  • Late Registration Deadlines: May 10, 2024
  • Conference Dates: May 17-19, 2024

Explore Comprehensive Topics:

psychology conference Liverpool

The conference boasts a broad spectrum of themes and topics, establishing itself as one of the most comprehensive psychology conferences in 2024. We encourage submissions from all psychology areas, promoting interdisciplinary research and practice. Whether your focus is developmental psychology, social psychology, cognitive psychology, or neuropsychology, there’s something for everyone. Our aim is to create a dynamic and inclusive environment where participants contribute to the field’s growth.

Call for Papers:

Submit your work and contribute to the enriching discussions at the conference. This is your opportunity to be part of a global exchange of knowledge and ideas.

Publication Opportunities:

Accepted and registered abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings with an ISBN and DOI assigned to each paper. Rigorous review processes ensure the highest quality content. Additionally, consider indexed journals and book publication as avenues to share your research.

Discover Liverpool’s Rich Heritage:

Liverpool, with its vibrant city life, cultural heritage, and strong academic community, serves as an ideal host for international psychological conferences. Home to prestigious universities like the University of Liverpool and Liverpool John Moores University, the city offers a wealth of museums, galleries, and cultural attractions. Explore the city during your stay and make the most of this educational psychology conference.

Join us at the Global Conference on Psychology in Liverpool, where knowledge meets celebration, and together, we advance the field of psychology.

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