[ December 18, 2023 by admch 0 Comments ]

“WPBCONF 2024: Uniting Minds, Advancing the World in Psychology and Behavioral Sciences”

Abstract blur people lecture in seminar room

In the heart of London, from July 19 – 21, 2024, the 2nd World Psychology Conference on Psychology and Behavioral Sciences (WPBCONF) promises to be a beacon for experts and enthusiasts alike. This global event brings together distinguished researchers, scholars, and practitioners in the dynamic fields of psychology and behavioral sciences.

Connecting Minds Globally

WPBCONF 2024 is more than a conference; it’s a convergence of intellects poised to shape the future. Attendees can anticipate a diverse program featuring keynote speeches and plenary sessions by leading figures in the field. The conference will explore an array of themes and topics, including cognitive psychology, social psychology, developmental psychology, and more.

Key Dates to Remember:

Mark your calendars for crucial dates: July 5, 2024, is the paper submission deadline, while early registration ends on March 19, 2024. Late registration is open until July 12, 2024, and the main event unfolds from July 19 – 21, 2024.

Who Should Attend?


Designed for academics, researchers, teachers, clinicians, students, and policymakers, WPBCONF 2024 is a valuable opportunity to stay abreast of the latest advancements. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a newcomer, this conference offers a platform to expand knowledge, enhance skills, and build a professional network.

Unique Participation Options

Choose your path at WPBCONF 2024 – present your findings as an oral or online presenter, showcase your work through a poster presentation, or attend as a listener to engage with experts and explore networking opportunities.

Benefits of Attendance

Attending WPBCONF 2024 opens doors to unparalleled benefits, including learning about the latest research, networking on a global scale, presenting your own research, and exploring publication opportunities in conference proceedings or partner journals.

Join the Global Psychology Community

Whether you’re an active participant or a keen observer, WPBCONF 2024 is an invitation to connect, learn, and explore with the global psychology conference community. Immerse yourself in the vibrant city of London and make the most of this enriching experience.

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